Nudge News: Rational Decision-Making in the Era of Social Bots

(Reading time: 3 min read)

With discussions centered around the recent US presidential election or UK’s Brexit and with several upcoming national elections in Europe (the Netherlands and France in spring, followed by Germany later this year), the topic of social media influence on traditional media, politicians, and voters through the instrument of social bots has been continuously on the rise.

Confirmation Bias Affecting the Legal Profession

(Reading time: 3 min read)

“Although the phenomenon of confirmation bias would appear to be contrary to the notion that the legal profession requires, the application of an objective mind, the manner in which litigation – civil and criminal – is both conducted and adjudicated is closely aligned to a remarkable degree with this phenomenon.” – Hogan Lovells

#30in30 – Manipulated by your own Imagination

(Reading time: 3 min read)

The 30 in 30 Briefing Series focuses on a new cognitive bias, fallacy or heuristic in every single publication. By this Briefing we want to provide you with a rough overview on the cognitive theories most likely to occur in your legal or business profession. Today’s content: The Availability Heuristic.

Jurists: How to Outsmart Those Who are Outsmarting You

(Reading time: 5 min read)

Keith Stanovich discovered by testing rationality and unbiased decision-making that higher intelligence does not automatically lead to better decisions. People with high cognitive abilities are more likely to have a “bias blind spot”. It is harder for them to see their own errors.

Read this short essay on how you can start to outsmart your co-workers.

Math for Judges and for Juries

(Reading time: 3 min read)

In order to call yourself a rational person, Bayesian Rationality is a must know. But what is Bayesianism? And how can it prove itself helpful to Judges, Lawyers, State’s Attorneys and even to Juries?

Understanding the plain math behind rational decision making, you will discover yourself to start thinking in numbers before starting to act.

AI-Update: Recent Developments in Artificial Intelligence and the Law

(Reading time: 3 min read)

Two weeks ago, I argued that society should start to protect AI under our law. Key to this argument is an artificial intelligence competent to develop consciousness comparable to human double awareness.

In January, the European parliament officially started pondering “electronic personhood” for robots and artificial intelligence. Within their Draft Report the Committee on Legal Affairs recommended to the Commission on Civil Law Rules on Robotics.

“Nudged” by Government? Maybe!

(Reading time: 4 min read)

How governmental nudge units influence citizens’ decision-making through the design of policy choice architecture

On top of what is done in the commercial domain, there has been an increasing focus on building these nudges into the public sector and into public policy making. Based on the idea that people often take decisions which are contrary to what is in their best interest, a government can hence give its citizens a nudge in the right direction by presenting the available choices in a different manner.

About the Urge to Modernize the World’s Laws on Murder

(Reading time: 3 min read)

Why are we protecting the human race and not protecting the human state of consciousness? This is an important question and a discussion to bear out. Within a few years, even months, scientists could succeed with creating an artificial intelligence competent to exist with a human state of awareness. This AI needs to be protected. Understand this essay as a stimulus for a reformation of the current criminal law, which has been overdue for years.

Get Accuracy by Leaving Your Comfort Zone

(Reading time: 3 min read)

The confirmation bias is one of the most common biases in our everyday life. Like other biases it hinders us to make conclusions on a rational basis and therefore can lead to poor or faulty choices.

Where do your beliefs and opinions come from? Most people like to think that their beliefs are the result of experience and objective analysis of the information they have available. However, the reality might be different.